Coming off Psychiatric Drugs: Successful Withdrawal from Neuroleptics, Antidepressants, Lithium, Carbamazepine and Tranquilizers

Submitted by admin on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 14:50

Coming Off Psychiatric DrugsThe world-wide first book about "Successful coming down from psychiatric drugs." With experience-reports of 28 (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatric drugs from all over the world and additional articles of psychotherapists, physicians, psychiatrists, natural healers and other professionals helping withdraw.

With prefaces by Judi Chamberlin, Pirkko Lahti and Loren R. Mosher. Closing words by Karl Bach Jensen. Contributions by Regina Bellion, Carola Bock, Wilma Boevink, Michael Chmela, Bert Gölden, Ilse Gold, Gábor Gombos, Katalin Gombos, Maths Jesperson, Klaus John, Manuela Kälin, Kerstin Kempker, Leo P. Koehne, Jan Kuypers, Elke Laskowski, Peter Lehmann, Ulrich Lindner, Iris Marmotte, Constanze Meyer, Harald Müller, Eiko Nagano, Mary Nettle, Una M. Parker, Nada Rath, Erwin Redig, Hannelore Reetz, Roland A. Richter, Marc Rufer, Jasna Russo, Lynne Setter, Martin Urban, Wolfgang Voelzke, David Webb, Gerda Wozart, Josef Zehentbauer and Katherine Zurcher. Translations by Chie Ishii, Mary Murphy, Ivanka Popovic and Christina White.