June 24 Facilitation Training [note new time]

Submitted by admin on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 07:40

June 24 Facilitation Training

June 24th in Northampton the Recovery Learning Center and Freedom Center are offering a 3-hour Facilitation Training, led by Freedom Center organizer and Icarus Project staff Will Hall.

"Facilitation" means designated people directing meetings more easily toward shared goals. The training will draw on Will's 20 years of group facilitation experience and focus on the basic tools and skills all facilitators need in this delicate art. Common pitfalls and problems will be addressed through experiential group work, such as balancing personal and group needs, dealing with low energy, leaderfulness, interrupting from the heart, psychic self defense, naming group location/orienteering, building trust, trauma and triggering, people felt to be disruptive, the proper place for hierarchy, grounding tools, being an ally, and inclusion. Time will also be devoted to specific requests, participant sharing of their own skills and knowledge, and there will be a bonus mini-segment on lucid dreaming while awake.

Anyone interested please contact us. Donations appreciated, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Time 3-6pm. location: Quaker Space 43 center st. Northampton MA. please bring a snack and a snack to share (especially sliced melon or cantaloupe, which Will loves).

Be prepared for groovy handouts!

... and more details forthcoming. to register please email will (at) freedom-center.org with the subject line "REGISTER FACILITATION TRAINING."

If you have specific questions or needs you would like this training to address, please email will.

thanks! see you there! please no fragrances! happy facilitating! wake up everybody!