Thanks for the Donations!! (And The Freedom Center Does Still Need Money)

Submitted by lee on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 16:39

You can donate tax-deductibly via cash or check by mailing a donation to:
Freedom Center/CHOICES and mail to Freedom Center, P.O. Box 623, Northampton, MA 01061.

Or you can donate tax-dedictibly via paypal by going to the DONATE NOW section of our  website Also we have a Facebook Cause here:

To all who have been affected by our programs directly or indirectly and to all who believe in and support justice in the mental health system and holistic care for people in extreme emotional states,

We have recently received over $1000 worth of donations! We have so much gratiude for the people keeping us going right now! Yet, The Freedom Center is still in a semi-urgent place. In several months we will be receiving our annual grant of $2,500 from the city of Northampton that will help us  maintain our programs and we may currently re-applying for our annual grant from the Resist foundation. We are also researching other grant possibilities however, until we receive that money we have very little money in the bank to sustain our basic programs such as our free weekly drop-in acupuncture clinic, our free weekly drop-in yoga classes, and our peer support group.

The Freedom Center is the only group in the area and one of the only groups in the entire country that offers  free, anonymous, holistic, drop-in services. We pride ourselves in these services and we have been told again and again how much these services have helped people.

We have been making cuts over the last few months and we are at the point now where the most core of our program will have to be cut if we do not get some emergency funds. The Freedom Center is all volunteer but for over a year we have offered a small volunteer stipend to the facillitator of our peer support group (that has served people in extreme states struggling in the valley for over 7 years now) and we have recently had to cut this stipend. For over a year we have offered a small stipend to someone to answer the phone calls and emails that we get from people all over the country in extreme emotional states and for the past several months we have not been able to pay this stipend. If we do not get money soon, we will not even be able to pay our yoga instructor, our acupuncturist, or for the rent of the spaces that we have our programs in.

We are calling on the community to help avoid us making these cuts. If the community can help keep the Freedom Center afloat until we receive our grants then we won't prematurely have to cut any programs. We know this is hard economic times for everyone, but for those who can afford to you can think about the ways your donations will often go directly towards providing unique and potentially life-saving services to low-income people. We are truly at the point where anything helps.

In addition to our services the Freedom Center has had a number of other successes this year. Freedom Center ally Gail Hornstein has successfully a widely-read book about the survivor movement with a chapter about the Freedom Center. Gail has done many reading of her book in the area and was featured on NPR talking about the Freedom Center. Freedom Center also produced a short film for Forbes magazine and was on the front page for an entire month. Freedom Center co-founder Will Hall was recently featured in Newsweek with a two page article about his work in the psychiatric survivor movement. Many successful educational events have been launched this year and in order to continue this work we need the basic funds to sustain.

You can donate via cash or check by mailing a donation to:
Freedom Center/CHOICES and mail to Freedom Center, P.O. Box 623, Northampton, MA 01061.

Or you can donate via paypal by going to the DONATE NOW section of our  website

Also we have a Facebook Cause here:

The Freedom Center has a number of printed copies of our "Harm Reduction Guide to Coming off Psychiatric Drugs" and for people who want a copy as part of their donation of $10 or more please say so and we are happy to mail one(s) along.

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